I just started checking a few blogs for the first time all weekend and saw a post mentioning that
Carly, a little girl who was only 8 years old passed away unexpectedly on Friday, April 23rd. I have been following this family's blog for quite a while now and reading this news is just devastating. Please keep the George family in your prayers. I cannot even imagine the shock and loss they are feeling right now!
I saw it too, Laura, this is just unimaginable. I'm so, so sorry for their loss.
I still don't know what happened. Only that her dad is not doing well because he had to do CPR on her. Its so unfair!
Wow - that's so hard - I can't even imagine. We'll keep them in our thoughts & prayers...
So, so very sad. What a beautiful child, it sounds like she was loved by so many people. I'm so sorry for everyone who was touched by her and will keep them all in my prayers.
I am so sorry about the loss
for the George family...
Will offer prayers...so sad.
God bless you. Love Aunt Kathy
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